Searchable, relevant compliance law and policy

  • Continuous Delivery
Team Leadership
  • Senior Producer
    Kelly Albrecht
  • Senior Development
    Tom Fleming

Five College Compliance was looking to have a website developed for storing and displaying Compliance Law and Policy information relevant to the Five Colleges of the Pioneer Valley; Mount Holyoke, Smith, Hampshire, UMass Amherst, and Amherst College. The site was to be used as a tool by these schools and certain organizations to check their compliance requirements and related statuses.

Last Call had several objectives for this project. We first needed to help the FCC team nail down some specific details about how they wanted to accomplish their goals and implement features like a “Compliance Calendar,” which would list various Compliance Laws and Policies by their Compliance due dates.

It was important to this project that the site’s content— mainly Compliance Laws— be easy to add by various contributors, and then easy to navigate by the end users. This also involved developing a publishing workflow better-suited for FCC’s needs; they wanted publishing states like “Ready for review,” and “Needs revisions,” instead of a simple “published” or “not published” system. 

Another key aspect was site filtering. Because this site was serving information for five different schools, and other various organizations, users needed to be able to filter the site specifically for their needs.

What I most like about working with your firm is your ability to hear what I want, really “get” it very quickly and translate into a web site or whatever.

Elizabeth J. Carmichael, Director of Compliance and Risk Management, Five Colleges Incorporated