We're proud to provide Search services.
Rainforest Alliance
Reimagined on Drupal 8, in six sprints.
A testimony to Drupal 8 and the efficacy of the agile approach.
Reimagined on Drupal 8, in six sprints.
Drilling down to an education.
Custom tailoring Haverford.edu.
Drill down to savings.
Content discovery through faceted search.
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Leveraging our Scaffolding and Drupal 8.
Entertainment Microsite: Built in two weeks.
Leveraging our Scaffolding and Drupal 8.
Swarthmore College
National Census of Writing.
A web data explorer for use by the general public and qualified researchers alike.
National Census of Writing.
Chicken Soup for the Soul
Pet food microsite, built in two weeks.
Leveraging our Scaffolding and Drupal 8.
Pet food microsite, built in two weeks.
University of Southern Mississippi
A Drupal 7 Multi-site Migration to Acquia
Four sites, five databases, and complex search requirements
A Drupal 7 Multi-site Migration to Acquia
Competitive Advantage
Product discovery through faceted search.
Providing site shoppers an intuitive way to find and purchase products.
Product discovery through faceted search.
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