This has been a long time coming. left-click advanced is pleased to announce that on Saturday, March 23rd, Commerce Point of Sale (POS) was released on Drupal.org. Commerce POS is a point of sale interface for the Drupal Commerce suite of modules. It is the (only slightly better named) successor to the UberPOS module, which did the same thing for Ubercart.
While the interface remains similar, this is an evolutionary leap forward for Drupal-based POS systems. In comparison with UberPOS/Drupal 6, Commerce POS has a lot more to work with. It heavily leverages Views, modal popups, and Drupal 7’s ajax framework to achieve a simpler, but more flexible interface. And did we mention it’s built on top of Drupal Commerce?
Using the flexibility of Commerce allows site builders to design powerful, rules-based workflows for POS orders, without writing a lick of code. For the developers among us, Commerce POS offers a flexible, object oriented interface and command plugin system that is somewhat similar to Views handlers. And, it’s backed up with tests, which should help ensure the stability of the system.
While we still have a ways to go before a full stable release, we’re moving fast. Currently, work is underway to create an Authorize.net card present payment method (necessary for using swiped cards), writing documentation for installation and use, and squashing any bugs that may appear. For those interested in helping out, it is recommended that they visit the project page for further instructions.