2017 Nonprofit Technology Conference event design.

  • Continuous Delivery
Team Leadership
  • Senior Producer
    Colin Panetta

NTEN approached Last Call Media to develop a comprehensive look and feel for their 2017 Nonprofit Technology Conference (NTC). NTEN works to create a world where all nonprofit organizations use technology skillfully and confidently to meet community needs and fulfill their missions, and the conference is their signature annual event for engaging and energizing their membership.  

How we did it

LCM understood that the event primarily focuses on building relationships and reconnecting with friends in a collaborative and collegial environment.

Each NTC event centers around a thematic approach reflected in a unified communications materials from registration and information online, to signage and collateral planned for the specific location. After several potential directions were presented, they chose a ‘state fair’ approach that was nostalgic, without camp, for the Washington, DC conference.






Proposed Logos & Designs

proposed logos


signage 2




Last Call Media developed the necessary assets to support every platform, and developed a style approach to guide NTEN staff and collateral vendors.