Generating complex product comparison pages dynamically.

Team Leadership

A major part of the Finder application is how it allows users to discover and compare various products. Finder produces thousands of pages for individual products and pages to help visitors compare two or more products. This historically has meant that Finder needed to create these comparison pages manually in its CMS, WordPress, with the manual help of Finder’s editorial staff. Comparison pages are now built dynamically, without the manual help of Finder’s editorial staff, meaning they can quickly publish all required pages, especially before major events like Black Friday.

Last Call Media developed a new way to quickly and programmatically surface thousands of pages for Finder. All the data for these products is contained in two custom-built APIs, which also pull data from outside APIs. We were able to build out Finder’s APIs and create a custom WordPress plugin to render pages solely from data contained in the APIs.

This means that editors no longer need to create WordPress pages for coupon pages, allowing Finder to quickly enable hundreds of coupon pages in time for Black Friday, decreasing costs associated with publishing efforts, and increasing revenue by having more coupon pages up faster.

In addition to the coupon pages, work was done expand this system to replace Finder’s manually created pages that compare two currencies. By replacing these pages with API-backed pages, Finder can reduce costs and increase accuracy, as well as develop centralized templates for displaying the information which will allow for quick, global changes and unify the design of these pages.

Now Finder can move faster and provide visitors the freshest information.