Making it easier to deploy frontend applications.

  • Agile/Kanban
Team Leadership

Last Call Media developed a microfrontend strategy with Finder’s in-house developers. Using Next.js and Docker, Last Call Media worked to make it easier for engineers at Finder to build, test, and deploy small frontend applications, like tables, that are completely independent of each other, while styled using Finder’s sitewide library of React components.

Finder needs to provide users with tools -like interest calculators- that are quick and easy to use, while still displaying a wealth of information. Because this is a core part of the business, Finder’s large global team of engineers need to be able to iteratively improve these comparison tools based on customer feedback, and test their changes to see what works best to drive user engagement.

As an example of this, Finder asked Last Call to improve their comparison tables. The tables were written in legacy JavaScript, HTML, and CSS. We worked to rebuild the tables in modern React, adding modals on top of the tables to surface the most important data filters to the user first, so that, after selected, they’d see the most relevant results. We added advanced interactive features such as calculators to the top of tables so users can input data relevant to their personal circumstances and see automatically calculated savings for each product. 

Finder now has a path forward to build stable, highly-interactive comparison tools for users in a highly iterative way.