Government Solutions

We build digital government experiences with research, testing, and trust

Let’s build new ways for businesses and residents to access information and services that are human-centered and research-backed.


Last Call Media works with all levels of government to drive customer research, design and build critical systems, and test that those systems will stand up to the stress of real world use.


Notebook with abstract sparks over it
Design experiences that inspire your customers to take action
Illustration of a pineapple plant
Optimize the performance of your technology investments
Illustration of a galaxy
Approach digital as a holistic strategy and adapt as you learn
Yarn ball with mitten giving thumbs up
Make change possible by going from complex to certainty

“Last Call Media has been a driving force to help bring our digital vision to life.”

Holly St. Clair, Chief Digital Officer and Chief Data Officer, Executive Office of Technology Services and Security
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Massive performance wins.

  • Continuous Delivery
Team Leadership

Last Call Media team members were invited to join the Digital Services team at, to help them operationalize their Drupal 8 platform following the public launch. is the website of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. The primary stakeholders are the constituents who visit the website, and the state organizations who publish content on and visit the website for aspects of their job. It receives upward of 15 million page views a month and changes to the site are released twice weekly by a team of developers. The traffic profile for the site is interesting, yet very predictable. The vast majority of the site traffic occurs between 8:00 am and 8:00 pm during the business week. Site editors are working during the business day (9:00 am - 5:00 pm), and releases happen after the work day is over (after 8:00 pm). On analytics graphs, there are always five traffic spikes corresponding with work days, except when there is a holiday—and then there are four.

LCM assisted in making some pretty dramatic changes on both the front and back end of the site; every action we took was in service of either site stabilization or improving content “freshness.” State employees need to be able to publish content quickly, and constituents need fast access to the information that’s being published, without disruptions while they’re visiting the site. These two needs can be considered opposing forces, since site speed and stability suffers as content freshness (the length of time an editor waits to see the effect of their changes) increases. Our challenge was to find a way to balance those two needs, and we can break down our progress across an eight-month timeline:

September, 2017

The new site launched after roughly a month in pilot mode, and we saw an increase in traffic which corresponded with a small response time bump. The site initially launched with a cache lifetime of over an hour for both the CDN and the Varnish cache. This meant that the site was stable (well insulated from traffic spikes), but that editors had to wait a relatively long time to see the content they were publishing.

November, 2017

We rolled out the Purge module, which we used to clear Varnish whenever content was updated. Editors now knew that it would take less than an hour for their content changes to go out, but at this point, we still weren’t clearing the CDN, which also had an hour lifetime. Site response time spiked up to about two and a quarter seconds as a result of this work; introducing “freshness” was slowing things down on the back end.

December, 2017

We realized that we had a cache-tagging problem. Authors were updating content and not seeing their changes reflected everywhere they expected. This was fixed by “linking up” all the site cache tags so that they were propagating to the pages that they should be. We continued to push in the direction of content freshness, at the expense of backend performance.

To address the growing performance problem, we increased the Drupal cache lifetime to three hours, meaning Varnish would hold onto things for up to three hours, so long as the content didn’t get purged out. As a result of our Purge work, any content updates would be pushed up to Varnish, so if a page was built and then immediately updated, Varnish would show that update right away. However, we saw very little performance improvement as a result of this.

January, 2018

Early in the month, we experienced a backend disruption due to some JavaScript changes that were deployed for a new emergency alert system. In development, we added a cache-busting query parameter to the end of our JSON API URL to get the emergency alerts. However, in the production environment, we were adding one additional, completely uncached request for every person that hit the site. As a result of this relatively minor change, the backend was struggling to keep up (although constituents saw almost no impact because of the layered caching). This illustrated the importance of considering the performance impact of every single PR.

Careful study of the cache data revealed that each time an editor touched a piece of content, the majority of the site’s pages were being cleared from Varnish. This explained the large spike in the response time when the Purge work was rolled out, and why raising the Drupal cache lifetime really didn’t affect our overall response time. We found the culprit to be the node_list cache tag, and so we replaced it with a system that does what we called “relationship clearing.” Relationship clearing means that when any piece of content on the site is updated, we reach out to any “related” content, and clear the “cache tag” for that content as well. This let us replace the overly-broad node_list cache tag with a more targeted and efficient system, while retaining the ability to show fresh content on “related” pages right away. The system was backed by a test suite that ensured that we did not have node_list usages creep back in the future. This earned us a massive performance boost, cutting our page load time in half.  

We found that the metatag module was generating tokens for the metatags on each page twice. The token generation on this site was very heavy, so we patched that issue and submitted the patch back to

February, 2018

We had another backend disruption due to some heavy editor traffic hitting on admin view; our backend response time spiked up suddenly by about 12 seconds. A pre-existing admin view had been modified to add a highly desired new search feature. While the search feature didn’t actually change the performance of the view, it did make it much more usable for editors, and as a result, editors were using it much more heavily than before. This was a small change, but it took what we already knew was a performance bottleneck, and forced more traffic through it. It demonstrates the value of being proactive about fixing bottlenecks, even if they aren’t causing immediate stability issues. It also taught us a valuable lesson—that traffic profile changes (for example, as a result of a highly desired new feature) can have a large impact on overall performance.

We got a free performance win just by upgrading to PHP 7.1, bringing our backend response time from about 500 milliseconds down to around 300.

We used New Relic for monitoring, but the transaction table it gave us presented information in a relatively obtuse way. We renamed the transactions so that they made more sense to us, and had them broken down by the specific buckets that we wanted them in, which just required a little bit of custom PHP code on the backend. This gave us the ability to get more granular about what was costing us on the performance side, and changed how we started thinking about performance overall.

We added additional metadata to our New Relic transactions so we could begin answering questions like “What percentage of our anonymous page views are coming from the dynamic page cache?” This also gave us granular insight on the performance effects of changes to particular types of content.

We performed a deep analysis of the cache data in order to figure out how we could improve the site’s efficiency. We broke down all the cache bins that we had by the number of reads, the number of writes, and the size. We looked for ways to make the dynamic page cache table, cache entity table, and the render cache bin a little bit more efficient.

We replaced usages of the url.path “cache context” with “route” to make sure that we were generating data based on the Drupal route, not the URL path.

On the feedback form at the bottom of each page on the site, the form takes a node ID parameter, and that’s the only thing that changes when it’s generated from page to page. We were able to use “the lazy builder” to inject that node ID after it was already cached, and we were able to generate this once, cache it everywhere, and just inject the node ID in right as it was used.

We took a long hard look at the difference between the dynamic page cache and the static page cache. Without using the Drupal page caching, our average response time was 477 milliseconds. When we flipped on the dynamic page cache, we ended up with a 161 millisecond response, and with the addition of the static page cache, we had a 48 millisecond response. Closer analysis showed that since Varnish already handled the same use case as the Drupal page cache (caching per exact URL), the dynamic page cache was the most performant option.

We automated a nightly deployment and subsequent crawl of site pages in a “Continuous Delivery” environment. While this was originally intended as a check for fatal errors, it gave us a very consistent snapshot of the site’s performance, since we were hitting the same pages every night. This allowed us to predict the performance impact of upcoming changes, which is critical to catching performance-killers before they go to production.

As a result of all the work done over the previous 5 months, we were able improve our content freshness (cache lifetime) from 60 minutes to 30 minutes.

April, 2018

We enabled HTTP2, an addition to the HTTP protocol that allows you to stream multiple static assets over the same pipeline.

We discovered that the HTML response was coming across the wire with, in some cases, up to a megabyte of data. That entire chunk of data had to be downloaded first before the page could proceed onto the static assets. We traced this back to the embedded SVG icons. Any time an icon appeared, the XML was being embedded in the page. In some cases, we were ending up with the exact same XML SVG content embedded in the page over 100 times. Our solution for this was to replace the embedded icon with an SVG “use” statement pointing to the icon’s SVG element. Each “used” icon was embedded in the page once. This brought pages that were previously over a megabyte down to under 80 kilobytes, and cut page load time for the worst offenders from more than 30 seconds to less than three seconds.

We reformulated the URL of the emergency alerts we’d added previously to specify exactly the fields that we wanted to receive in that response, and we were able to cut it down from 781 kilobytes to 16 kilobytes for the exact same data, with no change for the end users.

We switched from WOFF web fonts to WOFF2 for any browsers that would support it.

We used preloading to make those fonts requested immediately after the HTML response was received, shortening the amount of time it took for the first render of the page pretty significantly.

We added the ImageMagick toolkit contrib module, and enabled the “Optimize Images” option. This reduced the weight of our content images, with some of the hero images being cut by over 100 kilobytes.

We analyzed the “Did you find what you were looking for?” form at the bottom of every page, and realized that the JavaScript embed method we were using was costing our users a lot in terms of bandwidth and load time. Switching this to a static HTML embed with a snippet of JavaScript to submit the form had a dramatic improvement in load time.

The logo was costing the site over 100 kilobytes, because it existed as one large image. We broke it up so that the image of the seal would be able to be reused between the header and the footer, and then utilized the site web font as live text to create the text to the right of the seal.

Additional efforts throughout this time included:

  • Cleaning up the JavaScript. We found an extra copy of Modernizer, one of Handlebars, and a lot of deprecated JS that we were able to get rid of.

  • We removed the Google Maps load script from every page and only added it back on pages that actually had a map.

  • We lazy-loaded Google search so that the auto-complete only loads when you click on the search box and start typing.

Our work across these eight months resulted in huge improvements in both the front and back end performance of the site. We achieved a 50% overall improvement in the back end performance, and a 30% overall improvement in the front end performance. We continue to work alongside the Digital Services team on these and other efforts, striving for the best possible experience for every single user and constituent.

See the BADCamp presentation about this work here.

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Paid Family and Medical Leave for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts

  • Agile/Kanban
  • Agile/Scrum
Team Leadership
  • Senior Producer
    Kelly Albrecht

Last Call Media joined the Commonwealth’s Department of Family and Medical Leave (DFML) to implement new technology for assuring the stability of PFML claims intake and administration in time for launch of the New Year’s Day deadline.  

Last Call’s focus was to facilitate communication, quality control, and confidence among the teams—establishing an “End to End” vision of the applicant journey that crossed multiple layers of technology. Last Call Media was one of several teams that came together with DFML to achieve the ultimate goal of the project: to create a system that made applying for and managing PFML claims as easy as possible and to achieve a required careful orchestration between the teams working on the discrete components.

Earlier in the year, Last Call Media worked with the Massachusetts Department of Unemployment Assistance on a project in which we implemented automated testing and other automation processes. Word of the successful outcomes traveled through departments. When it came time to enhance the DFML’s program with DevOps automation, they contacted LCM.

What the DFML had was a team of teams each optimized to their own workflows and working on individual pieces of one greater product. The component-based team model increases efficiency as the larger technical foundations of a product are built, yet the integrations between those components can become a blind spot needing special consideration: integration testing was a known need in the project strategy. Last Call Media was brought on to be the integration testing team, and we knew from experience that concentrating testing of all functionality to a separate group, and as a final “phase” all work must pass through, leads to surprise issues arising too late in the life of the project. This was important as the timeline was one of the most important factors of this project: constituents needed to be able to apply for PFML benefits on January 1, 2021, no matter what.

As we began to work with the existing teams, we saw exactly what we could bring to the table: a strong strategy, clear approach, and defined process for integrating all work across every team, and systematically testing that work, as early in the development process as possible, so that fully tested product releases could be done with confidence and ease.

There were four main aspects of this project that needed to be considered in order to achieve success:

  • The claimant portal, built using React, where constituents would be able to submit PFML claims and receive updates about the status of those claims,
  • The claim call center, where customer service representatives would take calls from claimants and enter their claim information into the claimant portal,
  • The claims processing system, the tool in which customer service representatives can process PFML claims via a task queue (and which is fed information from the portal, call center, and other third-party tools), and
  • The API that would bring all of these parts together to work seamlessly.

Then, of course, there’s the testing. LCM began our work by establishing three types of tests that all project work would need to pass in order to be considered complete:

  • End-to-End (E2E) testing: automated continuous verification of the functionality and integration of all 4 systems.
  • Load and Stress testing: verifying the E2E functionality and integration under substantial strain to see what the system can sustain, where it breaks, what breaks it, etc.
  • Business Simulation testing: verifying if the people behind the scenes who will be doing this work on a daily basis can effectively perform said work with the systems and functionality that have been put into place, and whether this work can be performed when there is a substantial amount of it.

As we worked to set up the proper tests for the product, we found many opportunities to gain alignment across all of the development teams with our overall testing philosophy: it should be a part of each team’s workflow instead of a final phase removed from the team(s) performing the work. We helped coach each team on delivering value incrementally, and their eventual ownership of where the E2E testing suite impacts their work. LCM brought testing to the program and enabled the teams to absorb it as their own.

I have been impressed with you and team from day 1.

Matthew Kristen, Executive Program Manager, State of Massachusetts

Last Call Media came to the PFML project not just to establish automated testing, but to ask timely, hard questions about how the program was managing dependencies, how the sequencing of each team’s deliverables was planned, and how completed work was being demonstrated; when something wasn’t previously considered or prioritized, LCM made sure to find out why. Through the understanding that our experience in DevOps and application readiness affords us, we sought to shine a light into the cracks of the program, making it possible to deliver, with certainty, a functional and effective product to the constituents of Massachusetts.

Last Call Media takes an immense amount of pride in the difficult work all of the teams performed, and their willingness to embrace the testing processes we implemented within their workflows. With the successful launch of the PFML program, LCM is happy to see further proof of the strength of enabling teams to own 100% of their work.

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Enabling continuous improvement by listening to constituents.

  • Agile/Scrum
Team Leadership
  • Art Director
    Colin Panetta

Feedback is of the utmost importance to the Commonwealth.

The highest priority of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts is serving its constituents as best it can. Essential to that is feedback—hearing directly from constituents about what they’re looking for, how they expect to find it, and where any improvements in that journey can be made.

We partnered with the Commonwealth to design a component for that would gather useful feedback from constituents, and another component that would display that feedback to all 600+ of the site’s content authors in a way that maximizes their ability to make improvements.

Watch Collecting and using feedback on, a session about this project presented by Colin Panetta of Last Call Media and Joe Galluccio of Massachusetts Digital Services at Design 4 Drupal below, or scroll down for our written case study about it.

Getting feedback from constituents to site authors.


The success of hinges on getting the right feedback from constituents to site authors. Our first step in overhauling the way collects feedback was to define what we needed to know about each page in order to improve it, so we could design the feedback component around that. It consisted of the following:

  • Whether or not users found what they were looking for, and what that was.
  • Contextualize the above by knowing how satisfied users are with the page, and what they came to the site to do.
  • Very detailed feedback that could only be provided through their user panel, a list of nearly 500 constituents who have volunteered to test new features for the site.

With our broad goals defined, we wanted to make sure the feedback component was working on a more granular level as well. We conducted a series of interviews with site authors asking how to best reach their users, and gained some valuable insight. Here’s what they told us:

  • Too much information in the feedback form would scare users away.
  • Feedback was being submitted with the expectation of a response, and organizations wanted to be able to respond.
  • But, not all organizations would be able to respond, so a variety of contact options needed to be available to them.


We combined what we learned above with our best practices to make a set of requirements that we used to define a strategy. It was immediately obvious that this feedback component needed to do a lot! And like site authors told us, if we showed that to users all at once, we might scare them away.

A sketched figure in an unsure pose stands in front of a tall stack of blocks, each labeled with a step in the feedback process.
Too many steps at once can be daunting.

So to maximize the amount of responses we’d get, we decided to lower the effort for submission by presenting these options one at a time, starting with the step that takes the least amount of commitment, and increasing with each step. So users can submit a little bit of feedback, and then opt into submitting a little more, and then keep going.

Blocks of increasins size are lined up to form steps. Each block is labeled with a step in the feedback process. A sketched figure climbs the steps.
A step by step approach can make large workflows more palatable to users.

Designing the feedback form

With a clear strategy in place, we designed the following component.

Feedback box asking users is they found what they are looking for. After question is yes/ no radio button and submit button.

On first load, the component is very simple — it’s only asking users if they found what they were looking for.

Once users have made a selection, the component expands with fields asking them what they were looking for.

Feedback form asking users if they found what they were looking for, with a larger text field below asking them what they were looking for and a radio button asking if they'd like a response, followed by a submit button.

Site authors have the option of including an alert here that tells users this form is not for urgent assistance, and directs them to a better place where they can do that.

In the above example, the organization who is responsible for this page is able to respond directly to feedback. So if users say they would like a response, a form opens up for them to enter their contact information. If the organization was not able to respond directly to feedback, a brief explanation of why would appear there instead.

 After submitting, users are thanked for their feedback. 

Website component thanking users for their feedback, offering them a link to contact the RMV, and asking if they would like to take a survey.

Seen above, organizations are given the option to link to their contact page. This is commonly used if the organization is unable to respond directly to feedback.

Users are then given the option to take a short survey, where they can provide more detailed feedback.

Survey asking for more detailed feedback from users.

After submitting the survey, users are given the opportunity to join the user panel. This is the largest commitment available for providing feedback, so it’s at the very end!

Component thanking users for submitting their survey, and giving them a button to press if they would like to join the user panel.

So that’s how feedback is collected on the site. But what happens to it after that?

Displaying feedback to site authors

Feedback submitted through the site can be viewed per node, i.e. a site author can go to a specific page through the backend of the site and view all the feedback submitted for that page. But a lot of feedback can be submitted for a single page, and on top of that, site authors are often responsible for multiple or even many pages. Combing through all that feedback can be a prohibitively daunting task, or simply not possible.

To help with this, we designed the “Content that needs attention” panel for site authors.

Website component titles "Content that needs attention," with description area explaining component to users, and a table displaying a list of content.

The “Content that needs attention” panel appears on the welcome page on the backend of the site, making it one of the first things site authors see after logging in. It displays the page titles of their 10 pages with the lowest scores from users, sorted by page views. By showing site authors their content that’s seen by the most people first, we’re helping them prioritize what to work on next.

We’re giving site authors additional information about the content right in the component, helping them make decisions at a glance. In addition to the aforementioned page titles, scores, and page views, we’re showing them the content type (since some titles can be very similar on this site), the date they last revised it (in case that helps them know how badly this content needs attention), and something a little surprising… a “Snooze” button!

We put a snooze button in because once site authors make an improvement to content, it’s no longer helpful for them to see it here. So, the way it works is that they make an improvement to content, then hit “Snooze,” and it’ll disappear from this list for one month. At the end of that month, one of two things will have happened: 1) the content will have improved enough to no longer appear on this list, or 2) the content needs more improvement, and will appear back on this list.

This feedback component collects around 30,000 pieces of feedback in a single month. Issues reported by users include missing or hard to find content, mistakes, or issues with the service itself. That feedback is used by’s 600+ site authors to continuously improve the delivery of their vital services to the constituents of Massachusetts.

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