Yeti Comic.

A comic strip about a silly little yeti who learns some hard lessons.

A 3 panel comic strip showing a yeti jauntily trotting along on its merry way.
The yeti continues to jauntily trot along on its merry way before stopping dead in its tracks at the sight of a pink rose.
The yeti slaps the pink rose, causing the petals to explode into the air, before returning to trot along on its merry way.
A yeti trotting along its merry way, with a big dumb smile plastered on its face, is stopped dead in its tracks at the sight of a giant green leg standing directly in its path.
A yeti with a big dumb smile plastered on its face stands before a giant green leg. The yeti’s smile turns to a frown, before the giant green leg kicks the yeti, sending it hurtling through the air.
The yeti, a frown adorning their face, flies up in the air. Then, nothing. Then, they fly back down.