Florida DrupalCamp is an annual conference that brings together web developers from all over the world to learn, network and discuss web development and the Drupal content management system.

On Friday, February 15, at 1pm, I facilitated a DevOps for Agencies workshop. This workshop covered the why, how, and what of DevOps and extends to consider how it all applies to teams that primarily build Drupal websites.

A portion of the workshop was dynamically driven by results from this 2019 Drupal Community DevOps survey. If you are on a team that builds Drupal sites, and you haven’t responded to this survey yet, please respond to its DevOps statements, on behalf of your team, to see the results, with areas of focus and some advice. These results will structure the content of our DevOps workshops and presentations this year in the Drupal Community, including at our DevOps talk at DrupalCon Seattle.

On Saturday, I presented DevOps: Why, How, and What. It can be viewed above.


Drupal Community DevOps

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